Sunday, September 16, 2007

Operation Textkrieg

I warned him. Well I tried to warn him. Andy (Chad) Asbury has had his new phone for 4 months, yet has neglected to set up a voice mail for it. Now I know it probably shouldn't bother me or anyone else, but on numerous occasions, I have wanted to leave a message with Mr. Asbury and of course I was denied simply because Andy's lazy ass couldn't spend the 5 minutes necessary to call his own phone number, enter a pin, and (if he chooses to do so) leave a message saying "Hey, this is Andy, leave a message." It is such a hassle to set it up I know, but I thought he could handle it. So after many attempts to convince him last month, I told Andy if he didn't put up a voice mail, I would unfortunately have to bombard him with text messages. He took it as an idle threat. Poor, silly Andy.

Andy (archived photo)

Enter Operation Textkrieg.
On Friday, September 14, 2007 at 3 PM CST, a group of brave individuals (and me) took time out of their busy lives to text Andy with a vengeance. Around noon, I texted him with "I warned you about not having voice mail" to which he replied "Yep, you did warn me." I then sent "Today the hammer falls" (Aldan's line..can't take credit for it) and I received a response of "yeah, yeah." It was officially on. Shank led the attack with around 15 texts quoting movie lines and included a pic of a shirtless Richard Gere that I am sure Andy really enjoyed. Powers followed with step by step instructions on how to make Tabasco sauce since it is the only thing Andy truly fears. Dickey and myself added additional messages which warned him that the battle would not stop until he submitted. And just when he thought it was safe to put away his phone, there was a late text attack by Chalona. Overall, Andy probably received over 50 messages in under 15 minutes.

It was a valiant day for all. One that has made me truly proud in all of my friends,...well except for one. Andy has still refused to put up a voice mail. His excuses range from "not having it in his contract" to "don't want to pay extra." While all these excuses are completely ridiculous, it appears that he is steadfast in being a voice mail-less jackass. That being said, I have news for Mr. Chad (Tucker) Asbury. More will join the fight. We may have lost this one battle, but we will win the war!

I swear it!


Unknown said...

Well done.
Lameness thy name is ASBURY.

Unknown said...

Andy, the leprechaun says beware, Adam will stoop to even lower levels when it comes to voicemail.

for those that don't know my psuedonym, Stan Uris - J Dub

Unknown said...

oh adam. lol. lemme know when the next text war is on and i'll join your side hahahaha

Unknown said...

Aww... your first blog entry and you make Andy look like a friggin' idiot.

Although, the mullet is uber sexy.

Unknown said...

Even though you bashed me in the entire first entry, I look forward to future rants. And in the time it took me to write this, I probably could have set up my voicemail.

Rubes said...

First off. I didn't make Andy look like an idiot. Andy made himself look like an idiot.

Second, with how much of a cheap ass Andy is, I am really surprised that he doesn't take full advantage of every feature offered. I told him tonight that I was surprised he didn't three way call Don and me while having Ben and Andrew on call waiting. He told me is going to come up with a good excuse, but he also acknowledged that in the time it is going to take to try and come up with an excuse (which he won't), he could be setting up his voice mail.

Unknown said...


Adam: "I told him tonight that I was surprised he didn't three way...Don and me..."

The first time I read this, I didn't see you had the word "call" in there.

... I don't understand why he didn't three way you and Don either...

Unknown said...

three way, sweet!

Unknown said...

When are you going to stop being lazy and write something new. I have been looking at this since the 17th. I am now bored with Operation Textkrieg.

Unknown said...

i think andy has since broken down and admitted defeat, as one can only hold out so long against the forces of a-rub and his troop of texters. you suck, andy.